The Hub - Specialist Resource Provision (SRP)
The Hub is a Specialist Resource Provision (SRP) at Charville Academy. Our key aim is to assist students with Autistic Spectrum Disorders to access mainstream education and reach their full potential. The Hub has places for up to 16 children who will have access to our brand-new facilities. This includes specially-designed classrooms to ensure a calm environment. It has a purpose built sensory room to ensure all sensory needs are met. In addition, we have a number of small group rooms to conduct focused learning, including Speech and Language interventions. Our outside areas provide the children with countless opportunities to access learning in addition to developing gross motor skills. Our students have lessons in the provision's classrooms to help with independence, social skills and communication, but where possible, students will attend classes with their peers.
Each student in The Hub is linked to a class in the main school and they are included in all class activities; we are working towards children being able to spend 50% of the school day with their class where appropriate. This includes spending time in the dining room, on the playground or attending assemblies, as well as their classroom. Children will also be able to attend various trips and workshops with both their main stream classes and The Hub.
This is achieved with an individual timetable where students attend the classes which will benefict them the most and which they are most able to learn in. The other time will be spent working with The Hub staff. During this time, children will work to an adapted curriculum. This ensures that children are able to work at a level appropriate for their stage of learning. This has been adapted from our main curriculum to ensure the transition can be made more easily into the mainstream.
In addition to this, throughout the day children will take part in specific interventions aimed towards their targets. This includes Speech and Language and Occupational Therapy. In addition, this may also include turn taking, sensory regulation and fine-motor skills.
The Zones of Regulation are used throughout our school to support children. In The Hub we work on this daily to ensure the children understand not only their own emotions, but also those of others.
Life Skills
Life skills are a strong thread throughout our adapted curriculum. Children take place in various life skills activities including cooking, shopping, travelling on a bus and train and understanding the world around them. This takes place in discrete sessions in addition to in activities directly linked to learning.